A sweet DIY gift guide Mom will love this year
Mom’s big day is just around the corner, and believe us, the last thing you want to do is wait until the last minute to plan something sweet for the most important woman (ahem, person) in your life. Well, it’s a good thing you got here when you did, because we’ve got you covered.
Mom does so much for everyone, and Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show her just how much you love her and totally appreciate her whole Super Mom aura. She’s always the one taking care of things. No matter what it is — rides to soccer practice, forgotten lunches, PTA bake sale, awesome hugs, crushing business meetings, making sure Dad doesn’t forget to load the dishwasher — you can always count on Mom.
Needless to say, Mom’s a pretty busy lady. So how about doing something sweet for her and letting her relax...for once? Mother’s Day gifts, of course, are also welcome. Keep reading for a few Mother’s Day ideas will help put a sweet spin on the day’s special celebration.
1) Bouquet Brunch
Brunch is one of those mystical things...Is it breakfast? Is it lunch? We’re not exactly sure, but everyone loves it, especially Mom. And especially, if she doesn’t have to prepare anything or plan it. Take mom out to her favorite brunch place, or make her a special Mother’s Day DIY brunch at home with all her favorite dishes, and of course coffee. By all means do not forget the coffee. If you’re really feeling daring, try serving Mom brunch in bed. Whatever you do, the most important thing is that she shouldn’t have to lift a finger...except to drink her coffee.
Sweet Spin: What does great with brunch? The perfect bouquet. If you really want to do something sweet for Mom, switch out the flowers for a homemade lollipop bouquet. YumEarth organic lollipops are blooming with flavor and simple ingredients. Put together a mixed arrangement of pomegranate pucker, wet-faced watermelon, strawberry smash, hot chili, sour and all of Mom’s favorite varieties.
2) Mom Hearts the Outdoors
Planning a fun family adventure is a great way to leave the daily grind behind. Go for a hike or bike ride, picnic in the park, or try something a little more adventurous like kayaking or even rock climbing. Spend the day outside, doing all the fun stuff an outdoorsy mom loves. She shouldn’t have to worry about anything except enjoying the family time and the sun shine on her face.
Sweet Spin: Reward all that outdoor activity and healthy exercise with a deliciously different kind of candy heart. Here’s a new take that doesn’t skimp on sweetness and is made up of all the organic, gluten-free, allergen-friendly candies outdoorsy moms (all moms, really) love. Arrange Mom’s favorite licorice, organic gummy bears, hard candies and super-simple sour twists in the shape of a heart and have it waiting when you return from the day’s adventures.
3) Sweet Spa Day
All moms love a little pampering. Take away her stress for the day with a relaxing spa package, massage session, or even a full-service mani-pedi. If you really want to get DIY with it, dress up Mom’s bathroom with candles and reed diffusers. Layout her robe and treat her to an at-home facial with bubble bath. A luxurious spa day gives mom the time to stop thinking, negotiating and planning, if only for one day.
Sweet Spin: Even relaxing days can use a little flavor. So in the spirit of indulgence, tastefully gift wrap organic fruit snacks for Mom to enjoy with her cucumber water and paraffin treatment. If you really want Mom to let her hair down, serve up a new sweet with each pampering treatment (emphasis on “TREAT”).
4) Candy Coupon Book
It’s a classic gift that gives all year, or at least until the coupons run out. Who doesn’t remember making a coupon book back in elementary school? And that’s exactly why Mom is going to love it. Giving her little gifts throughout the year just reminds her how special she is to you. It’s a perfect way to show appreciation for EVERYTHING she does, while making the celebration last. It’s a gift that keeps on giving in new and unexpected ways.
Sweet Spin: Go beyond the obvious chores, hugs and kisses to include some of Mom’s true favorites and things that will make any day easier and more special. Make dinner for the family, give Mom control of the NetFlix queue for the night, or let her sleep in on Saturday and do whatever it is she does before everyone else wakes up so she doesn’t have to. Sprinkled in between the coupons should be some simple, organic candy and treats Mom can enjoy whenever the mood strikes her.
Whatever you decide to do, Mother’s Day gifts should always come from the heart. But you already know that, and so does Mom. Anything you do for her with true love, care and appreciation will light up her day and make every day following, that much sweeter. Of course, yummy candy and treats made with deliciously simple ingredients are always a good idea, too.