3 Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with your Kids

3 Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with your Kids

By: Diva of FoodAllergyDiva.com

I love using YumEarth's candy to make Valentine's Day fun (and sweet) for everyone! That's because it's free from the top 9 allergens. Here are three of my favorite ways to get started with your Valentine’s Day celebration!

1. Valentine’s Day Candy Board

A Valentine’s Day candy board is the perfect idea for any Valentine’s Day themed party, movie night, or family game night!

How to Make and Assemble Your Candy Board

  • Start with a platter or tray
  • Place heart shaped cookie cutters to hold YumEarth’s Valentine’s candies. YumEarth makes so many options for this, but some of my favorites for Valentine’s Day are the Heart Shaped Gummies and the Choco Yums
  • Use a small heart shaped cookie cutter to cut fruit into hearts
  • Add some red fruit (like raspberries and strawberries)
  • Add your favorite top 9 free white chocolate chips, marshmallows, and heart shaped potato snacks
  • Add homemade chocolate covered pretzels (I made these using white chocolate, pink pitaya powder and Choco Yums)

YumEarth Valentine's Day

2. Homemade Valentine’s for School

If you’re looking for an allergy friendly classroom Valentine’s Day idea for kids, this is it! ANY free printable will work, and you can even buy some inexpensive cute ones on Etsy too. I personally love word searches, mazes, etc. Just don’t forget the perfect finishing touch – attaching it to allergy friendly, YumEarth candies! YumEarth candy makes for the BEST choice for my kids because they are free from the top 9 allergens with no artificial dyes or high fructose corn syrup, not to mention delicious! What more could any kid want for their Valentine?


To make these, simply cut out your printable on card stock and stuff your mini envelope with a packet of your favorite YumEarth Valentine's Day Candy and card! If you want to include a candy that doesn’t fit in your envelope, you can always hole punch the bag and envelope and string it together too! It’s simple, but also the perfect Valentine for any classroom!

3. Valentine’s Day Lunch Box

Another fun and easy idea that will be sure to get your kids excited about Valentine’s Day is a Valentine’s themed lunchbox. This idea is completely top 9 free and perfect for any food allergy kiddo or nut free school this Valentine’s Day.


  • Gluten-free bread of choice! Inside this sandwich I included strawberry jam and Sunbutter.
  • Raspberries
  • Top 9 allergen free white chocolate chips
  • Heart shaped potato snacks
  • Your favorite YumEarth Valentine's Day Candy

Making the sandwich is easy! I cut the top piece of bread to look like an envelope (a triangle) and made the sandwich and covered it with the bread pieces I cut. I used a YumEarth Heart Shaped Gummies to “seal” my envelope. For the raspberries, I simply stuffed each one with a top 9 free white chocolate chip. This lunch is so quick to create, and my kids absolutely adored it!

YumEarth Valentine's Day

I hope you enjoyed reading how to have an allergy friendly Valentine’s Day with your kids, and that you are able to try some of the ideas out for yourself! If you’re still hungry for more Valentine’s Day ideas, take a look at 5 Way to Celebrate Valentine’s with Your Kids, 3 DIY Valentine’s Day Candy Gift Ideas, or my other fun Valentine’s Day recipes, and don’t forget to stock up on YumEarth Organic allergy friendly Valentine’s Day candy online at yumearth.com or find them at your nearest store today!

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